need appellate co-counsel?

At Apollo Law, we principally co-counsel with trial lawyers looking for a teammate on appeal. We work hand-in-hand on the case with our co-counsel. With our birds-eye view of your case's facts, law, and the court's developing jurisprudence, we break the case down to its elements and build it back up again. Together, we present the court with the simplest, strongest, most forceful arguments in your client's favor. In appropriate cases, we solicit amicus briefs from government agencies, legal scholars, and public advocacy organizations. 

Just like our co-counsel, Apollo Law employs a variety of billing arrangements. We work on contingency, hourly, for a flat fee—or often, using hybrid arrangements. We evaluate each case carefully, and tailor the billing arrangement to the unique circumstances of each appeal.

To discuss a potential co-counseling arrangement, email Adam Hansen at or call him at (612) 927-2969.